Monday, May 21, 2012


Shikhar is place where there is temple of 1008 Mool Narayan Bhagwan. Devotees come from different places for worship. Mool Narayan Bhagwan ji is called Nephew of Maa Nanda Devi

It is the Nanda Devi who brought Mool Narayan Bhagwan on her back from a place called Rikeshwar in Garwal Region of Uttarakhand. It is said Mool Naran Ji born in "Mool Nakshtra" which is considered inauspicious for the parent. 

It means a child who takes birth in mool Nakshtra his / her parent will die before death.  So Nanda Devi rescued Mool Narayan Bhagwan and brought this place. Mool Narahan Bhagwan has many temples in District Bagehswar. Like Jarti, Banlkesh etc.

Most of you might not have listened about this place. Shikhar is place which comes in District Bageshwar. Shikhar word itself donates of being a top height place.

Location: Shikhar location in Uttarakhand state Bageshwar distt. bye  Kapkot Bharadi, Sama, Bhanar   Then a steep height almost 3 hour journey on feet.

How to reach
This is easy way to reach Shikhar  
From District Bageshwar take right way for Reeema from Balighat, just 5 km ahead from Bageshwar, Reema is 35 km ahead from Bageshwar, From Reema - A place called Beesa, on foot journey starts from here. Shikhar is almost 3-4 hour steep height Journey from Reema

You can also reach Shikhar from Dharamghar.  For this you have to catch a bus via Vijaypur, Kamedi Devi and then to Dharamghar. From here you have to walk a long distance almost 5 hour.